The birds are chirping (yay!), random ants are appearing on my bathroom counter (boo!), my eyes are puffy and itchy (argh!), the camellias, tulips and azaleas are flaunting their colors, and one of God's best-ever creations, the sun, is getting all bright and warm.
Spring is here!
Oh, and visions of Chocolate Bunnies and Marshmallow Peeps are dancing in my head.
But the extra cool thing about this particular Spring is that I get to spend it with my youngest, my college-age, just-this-side-of-21 daughter, Julia! Kinda sad that I haven't spent an Easter with either of my girlies for several years. But such is the life of an Empty-Nester...and when one's daughters choose to go to college on the other side of the country. Not complainin'. Just sayin'.
So tomorrow morning the Super Shuttle comes to my home at 3:45 a.m. (A!!!M!!!!), to take me to Sac Metro Airport, where I will board a plane that will ultimately fly me to Lexington, Kentucky. Yep, that Lexington, thee University of Kentucky, home of thee Wildcats, who won thee NCAA National Championship in basketball last night, once again! (That deserves a blog post of its very own, which I shall write one day soon.)
And so it is that I'll be touching down in the Blue Grass state about this time tomorrow evening. And I can't wait. We have a few things planned -- horse races at Keeneland on Saturday, Easter morning church -- and a lot UNplanned. I'm happy doing nothing, I told her.
I'm thrilled to be able to "shadow" her everyday life. I'm thankful that she's "letting me in" her world, if only for five short days. And I predict that, more than twice, I'll sooooo wish I could turn back the clock and walk in her shoes. (Did I really just say that? Am I a bad Mom?) Whatever...
(Since I know she will probably read this, I won't tell you the best part of all: I get to meet the boyfriend!!!From iPhone pics she's sent, and from what I've heard, he sounds wonderful! Please say a prayer that I don't scare him away.)
So I'll report back here soon with pictures and stories of what will be, I'm sure, a glorious and most memorable Spring Fling 2012.
Have a grand and glorious time!!!