I never thought it would happen to me...


The Clutterful, Middle-Aged Mind

My car, kitchen, family room, bathroom and bedroom are all clean, spiffy and clutter-free, with no discernible physical disorder. My 54-year-old mind, however, is full of worry, junk, overload and stress.

This is exactly how I feel:

Please tell me you can relate.....  ?

1 comment:

  1. every day I relate to this. half the time I know the words to use, but they don't come out and it takes 15 words to say what I could with one word.
    There's got to be a way to organize our minds like our closets...maybe when a thought comes, we ask,"do I need to deal with this TODAY?" If not, we junk it, because I don't feel our minds will let us delete everything yet. Lois
